Studio Artist

Take 5 with Artist-in-Residence Catherine LeComte Lecce

Meet The Umbrella’s newest Artist-in-Residence, Catherine LeComte Lecce, a Boston-based visual artist who explores familial relationships, motherhood, and personal experiences through photography, mixed media, and installation. During her residency, Lecce plans to utilize photography and a gel image transfer process, crafting a series of glass works that delve into the themes of motherhood.

Take 5 with Artist-in-Residence Jasmine Chen

Jasmine Chen is The Umbrella's Fall 2023 Artist-in-Residence. A visual artist originally from Beijing, China, she is currently based in Boston. Her work is in the permanent collection of the Danforth Art Museum and has been exhibited there and at Matter and Light Fine Art, the Jackson Homestead Museum, and elsewhere. It was also featured in a solo exhibit at the New Art Center. She has a B.A. from Harvard and PhD from Brandeis and studied art independently.

We were able to “take 5” with Jasmine earlier this week and visit her studio.


Studio Artist Spotlight: Tracy Bull

The convenience of The Umbrella is what attracted Tracy Bull back in 2013. If you ask her she’ll say, “Nothing would have held me back from The Umbrella because it’s a convenient specter.” With three kids and a busy schedule Tracy was able to take advantage of The Umbrella’s beneficial location and kid friendly opportunities.

Studio Artist Spotlight: Carol Krauss

Carol Krauss, a longtime friend of the Umbrella, first came here back in 1996.

With three little kids in school and not wanting to dive back into the corporate life, she had more time on her hands to dedicate herself to something creative. Taking classes at The New England School of Photography and building a little dark room in her basement, Krauss made the best of her surroundings. Even having to carry buckets of water up and down stairs for her prints – calling it “aerobic printing.”

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