Arts Education Policies

The Umbrella's Education Department General Policies. (Updated 01/01/25)

Table of Contents:

  1. Registration and Payment Policy
  2. Withdrawal and Refund Policy
  3. Illness Policy
  4. Tuition Assistance
  5. Media Consent Policy
  6. Behaviour Policy
  7. Accessibility
  8. Cancellation Policy


Other policies specific to certain programs are listed on the appropriate linked policy webpages.

Other Policy Pages for Specific Programs:



The Umbrella does not offer or conduct pre-registration or hold spots for individuals in publicly available classes. Registration opens on a given day and time for everyone.

A program spot is reserved only when payment is received. Tuition must be paid in full at the time of registration, unless a deposit is specified.

Each tuition includes a non-refundable registration and processing fee, certain exceptions apply, see refund policy for details.

The preferred method of payment is with a credit card online through an individual’s account created on The Umbrella’s website.

If it is necessary to register with The Umbrella office by phone or in person, accepted payment options are all major credit cards, a check payable to The Umbrella, and cash.



Requests for a withdrawal or tuition refund for a class or workshop  must be made in writing on a time stamped email to The Umbrella staff.

There is a $25 nonrefundable registration and processing fee for every completed registration and $50 nonrefundable registration and processing fee for camps and vacation weeks per week/session. For a tuition or deposit under $100, the non refundable registration fee is 15%.

  • A tuition and materials refund, less the registration and processing fee, will be given if the written request is made at least ONE WEEK prior to the scheduled start date. 
  • A 50% tuition refund, will be given if the written request is made within one week but PRIOR to the scheduled start day of the class or workshop.
  • No refunds will be issued after the start of any class or workshop. 

No refunds or prorated payments are given for student absences or for unused dates of a registration schedule. 

In the case of an accident or illness, please contact the Umbrella office. Documentation must be provided to the Education Director for consideration of medical exceptions to this refund policy.

Refunds may take 2 weeks or more to process fully.

No refunds will be given for programs that are rendered unavailable due to hardware, software, network, internet connectivity, and/or the knowledge or technical ability of any participant. This clause does not apply when the source of failure originates from The Umbrella owned systems and can be documented as such. In this case, a make-up or compensation will be given. 

In the case of Summer Camp withdrawal: (Valid for Summer 2025)

  • Tuition, less a nonrefundable $50 registration and processing fee, per week, and individual, will be refunded if the request is made in writing on a time stamped email PRIOR to March 1st.
  • 50% of tuition payments will be refunded if the written request is made prior to the registration deadline of 11:59pm EST on the Sunday, 4 weeks prior to the start of each respective summer camp program week. for the week for which the registration applies.
  • No refunds will be issued on or after the registration deadline.

In the case of a Vacation Week Program: (Valid for February and April Vacation Weeks 2025)

  • Tuition, less a nonrefundable $50 registration and processing fee, per individual, will be refunded if the request is made in writing on a time stamped email PRIOR to the program registration deadline.
  • No refunds will be issued on or after the program registration deadline.

In the case of a Birthday Party and Events: (September 2024 - Present)

  • For birthday parties there is a $50 nonrefundable deposit for the booking of the party. Cancellation of a party by the host family within one week of the party date, will result in the card on file being charged for the remaining amount required and no refund being given. 
  • In the case of an accident or illness preventing the birthday party from occurring as scheduled, please contact the Umbrella office and the Education Programs Coordinator for consideration of medical exceptions to this refund policy. In this event the party may be rescheduled to a different date and time with no extra charge.



By participating in a class, program, or camp, patrons attest that they are NOT currently experiencing illness or its symptoms.

Individuals who are experiencing symptoms of illness should stay at home and follow CDC guidelines for preventing the spread of viruses when sick. 

The guidance for community settings applies to any viral illness, not just COVID-19. Symptoms of a viral illness include: fever, chills, fatigue, cough, runny nose, and headache among others.

Even with a positive COVID-19 test, you can go back to your normal activities in the community when for at least 24 hours, both are true:

  1. Your symptoms are getting better overall, AND
  2. You have not had a fever (and are not using fever-reducing medication).

The CDC also recommends (but does not require) when you go back to your normal activities, consider taking added precautions over the next 5 days, when you will be around other people indoors.

This is especially important to protect people with factors that increase their risk of severe illness from respiratory viruses.

Keep in mind that you may still be able to spread the virus that made you sick, even if you are feeling better. You are likely to be less contagious at this time, depending on factors like how long you were sick or how sick you were.

If you develop a fever or you start to feel worse after you have gone back to normal activities, stay home and away from others again until, for at least 24 hours, both are true: your symptoms are improving overall, and you have not had a fever (and are not using fever-reducing medication). Then take added precaution for the next 5 days.

Should an instructor or staff become ill, a make-up class will be scheduled or a substitute teacher assigned.  If make-up options are not available, prorated refunds will be given to all registered participants. 

Registered participants acknowledge that The Umbrella is not responsible for any personal safety measures and is not liable for any spread of illnesses while on the grounds.The Umbrella reserves the right to end programs and access to the grounds, without notice, due to safety concerns or state regulations or mandates.



A limited amount of tuition assistance is offered by The Umbrella’s Education Department to cover tuition costs depending on specific circumstances for individuals and families in need. Application and approval are required. Awards are made first come, first serve on a rolling deadline. Application processing may take a week or more from the time of submission, please plan accordingly. Contact the Education Department at or call 978.371.0820 ext. 202 for more information.

Consistent with our Board-approved resolution committing to expanding the ease of access of our programs, The Umbrella participates in the Card to Culture program, a collaboration between Mass Cultural Council and the Department of Transitional Assistance, the Women, Infants & Children (WIC) Nutrition Program, and the Massachusetts Health Connector, broadening access to cultural programming. EBT, WIC, and ConnectorCare cardholders automatically qualify for financial aid for art classes and workshops, subject to space availability; tuition will vary, and some materials fees excluded. (See the full list of participating organizations offering EBT, WIC, and ConnectorCare discounts.)



All Umbrella programs (classes, workshops, events, meetings, virtual gatherings and online classes...etc.) can be photographed and/or video recorded. Reasons to use photo or video include but are not limited to: use by The Umbrella staff for operational, observational, quality assessment, archival, and marketing purposes.  Additionally, teaching faculty may record programs for purposes related to class assignments or to facilitate class structures. 

Enrollment in any program authorizes The Umbrella to have, use, publish, and reproduce photographs or video of you and your children and/or any artwork for any operational, promotional and public relations purposes. You MUST contact The Umbrella office to submit a written request if you want yourself or your children to be excluded from photography or video recordings, to prevent any photo or video from being published, or for posted photography or video to be taken down.

With all online video based programs, individuals have the right to turn off their own video and/or audio. 



The Umbrella Administration reserves the right to dismiss a student from the program in their sole judgment, when the student's documented or observed behavior and actions interferes with the rights and/or compromises the safety and well-being of others, and/or impedes the smooth functioning of the group or the activity. Depending on the severity of an incident, referral to the appropriate law enforcement agency or additional legal action may be taken.

For most other instances of problematic behavior, action, or verbal statements, an individualized behavior modification plan will be implemented with periodic evaluation. In the case of a minor, this plan will be drafted and mutually agreed upon with parents or guardians. 

For the purposes of distance learning through any virtual or online programs, the same policy about individual behavior applies in the "digital classroom."  Furthermore, any misuse, unauthorized use, or posting of inappropriate content will be grounds for immediate expulsion and possible legal action.



All areas of our building and grounds at 40 Stow Street are fully accessible. Accessible bathrooms and marked handicapped parking are located on site.


All programs, classes and workshops are staffed with specific student / teacher ratios to ensure that we can care for and provide arts education to all enrolled students. Based on information about an individual provided at the time of registration or learned during a program, if it is determined that this information will materially affect the ability to provide care and arts education, we will work with the individual / individual's family compassionately and to the best of our ability. However, The Umbrella reserves the right to unenroll registered students with or without refund.



The Umbrella reserves the right to change programs, schedules, instructors, and to cancel any programs due to insufficient enrollment, inclement weather, or other administrative circumstances.

The Education Department administration and independent instructors reserve the right to determine class cancellations based on their sole judgment of risk to personal and participant health and safety. If a suitable and agreed upon alternative is not offered or available for an administrative cancellation or force majeure the refund policy will nullify and all documented payments for canceled class will be refunded in full.  

In general, no regular weekly scheduled classes will be held on Concord Public School vacation weeks/days including all federal and state holidays. Some exceptions may apply, please contact your instructor and/or the Education Department for specifics.

Weather Related Closings, Delays, Early Releases:

All classes follow the Concord Public Schools and Town of Concord weather related closings, delays, early releases. No classes will be held on Concord Public School snow days. Students and parents should check local news, radio, and school websites for the most up to date information. Once an official announcement of a weather cancellation, delay, or early release has been made by the Concord Superintendent, The Umbrella administration will send an email notification to teachers and participants affected in a timely manner as possible, and a notice banner will be posted on the homepage of The Umbrella website In the event of weather related cancellations, make-up classes will be scheduled, if possible.  Make-ups are NOT required for cancellations of drop-in programs.

In the event of a public school delay, morning classes at The Umbrella will be canceled, classes scheduled to start after 12 noon will run on time. In the event of an early release, all morning classes (starting before 12 noon, ending before 1pm) will run as scheduled but afternoon and evening classes will be canceled. Make-ups will be scheduled, if possible, except for drop-in programs. 

In the event of weather related cancellations outside of public school schedule (during a weekend, evening, during a holiday, a vacation week, or during the school summer vacation) The Education Department administration and independent instructors reserve the right to determine cancellations based on their sole judgment of risk to personal and participant safety.  In general, classes and programs may be canceled if hazardous conditions (Example: 3 or more inches of accumulating snow) are expected in Concord one hour before or one hour after the start and end time of a class or program. For vacation week programming, make-ups will NOT be offered but compensation in the form of a discount or credit towards future programming MAY be offered at the discretion of the Education Department (but is not required or guaranteed).

In the case of virtual classes and programs, The Education Department administration and independent instructors reserve the right to determine class cancellations based on their reasonable attempt to ascertain the ability for full participation of enrolled participants during inclement weather. 

The Umbrella reserves the right to change, add, or delete any and all policies at any time.  All changes take effect immediately unless otherwise noted.