2021/2022 Annual Report: Thanks To Our Supporters

We gratefully acknowledge the following individuals, corporations, foundations, organizations, and government agencies for supporting our efforts to enrich lives and build a vibrant community through the arts. Your generosity and goodwill provided critical support for The Umbrella Arts Center.
The following supporters provided operating and restricted program support for The Umbrella Arts Center’s Annual Fund. This list includes charitable gifts and pledges between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022.
Liz and Phillip Gross | Gregory Maguire and Andy Newman
Anonymous | Kevin Foley and Leah Flanigan
Dennis and Kim Burns | Gail and Matt Burr | Matthew and Stephanie Magee | Jennifer and Wilson Schünemann
Anonymous | Foundation for MetroWest | John and Joan Freeman | Kevin and Gunilla Gorman | Ed Kane and Marty Wallace | Massachusetts Cultural Council | Ellen and Bill McHale | Kate and Mark Reid
Anonymous | Andrea Brox and John McCarthy | Dinah Buechner-Vischer | Casey Carlson and Bill Stone | Charles and Gloria Clough | Nancy Donahue | Marjorie Findlay and Geoff Freeman | Fritz and Cathy Folts | Heather Fredette | Frank Hill and Cynthia First | Fritz Kussin | Tim and Abbey Redmond | Nancy Traversy and Martin Lueck | Xeric Foundation
Andrea and Jeffrey Adams | Penny and Chris Austen | Bank of America Private Bank | Beth and Ko Baryiames | Ann Marie and Dick Connolly | Dave DeLong and Sue Gladstone | Cynthia and Bryon Deysher | Maureen and Tim Dibble | Ann and Ed Jennings | Elaine Labrecque and Gary Vilchick | LandVest, Inc. | Sarah and Robert Le Roy | Jodi and Mark Loughlin | Michael and Robin Malouf | Melanie and Matt O'Hare | Brian and Maryrose Sykes | Paul and Wilhelmina Van der Wansem | Jerry and Carole Wedge | Kaitlyn and Nate Whittier | Deborah Yamin
Anonymous | Adelita | Amy and Bill Barrett | Bernstein Global Wealth Management | Tracey and Tom Bird | Johanna and John Boynton | Elizabeth Brogaard-Allen and Nicholas Allen | Suzanne and Michael Broxson | Alison Burns | John and Diana Clymer | Nancy Curran Willis and Bill Willis | Ronald and Holly Darzen | Wendy Jacobs Dodson and David Dodson | Michael and Bernadette Feeney | Scott and Kristine Freeman | Pete Funkhouser and Kate Stout | Pamela Gannon and David Douglas | Patrica Garrett | Julie and Cary Hagan | Fawn Hardison and David Mayer | Michael and Mary Ellen Harney | Lonnie Harvey and Jonathan Moore | Cathy and Jon Jenkins | Ryan and Mallory Kauppila | Jonathan Keyes | Jack Klinck and Julie Kahn | Melissa Koester | Holly and Greg Legault | Susanne and Karl Liebich | Jean and Alan Lightman | Deborah and Richard Loverd | Susan Lynch and James Richardson | Sheilah and Mike McCauley | Anmol Mehra | Chris Mekal and Gilles Quintal | David and Andrea Meyers | Middlesex Savings Charitable Foundation | Steve and Janice Miller | John Muresianu and Patti Satterthwaite | Amy and Bouke Noordzij | Nick and Ann Noyes | Jamie Patterson | Judy Perkins | PNC Bank | Ridge and Frances Powell | Rebecca Purcell | Donna and Tom Quirk| Jane Rapalus and David Ruediger | Dawn and Jonathan Rennert | Kate and Chris Renyi | Rosse Family Charitable Foundation | Wade Rubinstein and Jill Block | Debra Rutter | Holly and Louis Salemy | The Sharpe Family Foundation | Melinda Shumway | Sorrento's Brick Oven Pizza | Peter and Anne Standish | Carolyn and Eric Stein | Steven and Jennifer Stone | Mimsey and Charles Stromeyer | Takeda Inc. | Harvey and Valerie Thayer | The Webb Family Foundation | Charity and Thomas Tremblay | Joe Wallace and Elizabeth Chang | Malcolm Walsh and Kathleen O'Hara | Patrick and Kim West | Abby and Tim White | Brenda White | Jess Williams | Barbara and James Willis | Madelene and Eric Wilson
Anonymous | Renata Alyward | Robert and Jacquelin Apsler | Nancy and Neil Arkuss | James and Beth Athanasoulas | Liz Awalt and John Conley | Reinier and Nancy Beeuwkes | Sarah and Peter Blum | Lander Burr | Paula Casey | Francesca and Simon Cataldo | Kate and Robert Chartener | George and Ann Colony | Rachel and Curtis Coppersmith | Felice and Leland Cott | Liz and Bill Crowley | Maribeth Cusick and Jefferson Davis | Sarah D'Souza | Carolyn Davies | Anne Denna | Enterprise Bank | Carrie Flood | Sandy and Robert Freund | Kate and Rob Galusza | Andrew and Patricia Goldstein | Lynne and Alexis Goltra | Mary Ann Gore | Deanna and Robert Hargraves | Merewyn Harrington | Jaimee and Timothy Healy | Bryn and Craig Hilts | Mary Hull | Susan and Kevin Hurley | In Vivo Productions | Anne and Dee Keesler | Daniel Kemp | Sarah Krasin | Michael Lawson and Nancy Nelson | Emily and Sam Lines | Paul Marchesiani | Sanna and Kevin McAuliffe | Mary McCabe and Sam Joffe | Meredith McHale | Sandy and Peter Nash | Wendy and Bill Page | Linda and Whitfield Painter | Marie-Louise and John Petrie | Joseph Philipose | Jo and JP Poole | Peyton Pugmire | Courtney Queen and Mathias Rosenfeld | Kathleen and Conan Reidy | Deborah Richardson and Mark DelGuidice | Hilary Robinson | Meredith Rodday | William Sabine and Melita Teichert | Dan Schrager and Ellen Gaies | Adam and Amy Simon | Edward Sonn | Hannah Stevenson | Linda and John Sweeney | Thomas Tarpey and C.C. King | Hilary Taylor | The Kim Patenaude and Rory Fivek Real Estate Team | Andrea and Glen Urban | Vertex | Waters Corporation | William Wight | Sara Wilson and Emanuele | Angelino
Jonathan Aibel and Julie Rohwein | Nate Akers | Baker-Root Family Foundation | Susan Bates | Robert and Katherine Beede | Jeff and Ellen Campbell | Kristin Canty | Les Charm and Karen Belinky | Pierre Chiha | Rachel and Thomas Claflin | Kimberly Coen | Heidi Coutu and John Maturo | Laura and Jim Davidian | Kara Davis | Dunkin' | James and Catherine Elgin | Anne and Jeff Elton | Betsy Gardella | Elizabeth and Robert Gibbs | Ilene Gipson and Henry Keutmann | Goldman Sachs | Jill Goldman-Callahan | Carol Harris | Suzanne Hill and Raymond Offenheiser | Lauren and Bill Huyett | Claire and Michael King | Elizabeth Kirby and Todd Arnow | Mary and Paul Lovecchio | Kenneth and Judith Marriner | Lindsay and Paul McGuinness | Virginia McIntyre and John Stevens | Frederic and Victoria Mulligan | Jillian O'Connell | Constance Otradovec | Chris and Deedo Painter | Maxine Payne | Gina Perini | Laura Peterman | Joy Playter | Bette Pounders | Lucia Quinn | Scott Richardson | Maria Rojas | Katie Sears | Carla Stover | Judith and Daniel Sum | Sarah and John Terrey | Marianne Thompson | Katie and David Wilson
Anonymous | Robert Abraham | AmazonSmile Foundation | Robert and Margaret Anderson | Corinne Atkins | Marybeth Barker | Katherine Batson | Michael Beer | Kayte Bellusci | Linda Bentley| W. and Jo Bero | Shirley and Timothy Blancke | Linda Bond | Nancy Bond | Brian Boruta | Gwen Braygreen | Patricia Brigiotta | Pierce and Elise Browne | Peter and Pamela Callahan | Steven and Kathryn Camp | Lorna Campbell and Chris Sharp | Richard and Kathleen Chick | Katie and Charlie Cimet | Leonard and Ann Marie Cimet | Tete and Liz Cobblah | Bill Cohn | Nancy Coleman | John and Holly Cratsley | Michael and Aiyana Currie | Paul and Karen Dale | Julie and Charles Davidson | Bridget Doherty | Emily and Scott Dresser | Jan Durgin and Charles Schwager | Eastern Bank | Molly and Jeff Eberle | Richard Fahlander and Kathy Allen | Joan and John Ferguson | Ken and Shukti Fischl | Gail Flynn | Natalie Forbes | M. Frazier-Plodzik and K. Thomas Plodzik | Jon and Rachel Freed | Gerald and Cynthia Frenkil | Beth Garvin | Wayne and Susan Geehan | Michael Goodwin | John Graham and Katharine Munro | Susan Halby | Rosa Hallowell and Mark Stein | Madelyn Henry | Sarah Hindle | James Horton | Jeanette Hughes | Radha Jalan | Rosemary and Michael Jeans | Eileen Kahan | James Kappel | Melissa and Greg Karczewski | Gail Kitch | Alexandra and Daniel Kosciak | Denise and Thomas Kracz | Libby Kurten and Viktor Vejins | Sarah and Karl Kussin | Judy and Thomas Lane | Betsy Levinson | Jesse and Lynne Lipcon | Peter Lovis | Leslie and Paul Mahoney | Ron and Laura Majka | Marlene Mandel | Iris Marcus and Katherine Kleitz | Simon and Elisabeth Martin | Maureen and John Master | James and Caroline McCloy | Liam McHale | Halley and William McIlwain | Susanne and Mark Meterko | Amy and Steve Michael | Madeline Miller | Vanessa Moroney | Norian/Siani Engineering, Inc. | Jan O'Dea | Peter O'Keeffe | Cindy Orcutt | Martha Owen | John and Sarah Paino | Hytho Pantazelos | Carole and Wayne Parrish | Robert Pascucci | Louisa and Robert Paushter | Sheila and Raymond Pavlik | Ed and Katherine Pearson | Thomas and Ruth Piper | Mary and Harrison Pope | Jo and Doug Powell | Melissa and Daniel Price | Anne and Stuart Randle | Robert and Wendy Reasenberg | Christopher and Susan Regan | James and Julia Reichheld | Philip and Nancy Reilly | Lis Rhodes | Donald Rosato | Terry and Kathryn Rothermel | Suzanne and Charles Rutstein | Prow Sarns and Christopher Moy | Elizabeth Scheffel | Lori Shaer | Gordon and Joy Shaw | Alison Small | Jonathan Smith and Karen Jourdenais | Jason and Robin Springer | Emily and Dana Sprong | Helen and Roger Stoddard | Marian Sutherland | The Linda Hammett Ory & Andrew Ory Charitable Trust | Christopher and Nancy Thomas | Laurine and Ralph Verrilli | Elizabeth and Dave Wei | Mark Weltner and Sandy Crawford | Barbara Wheeler | Sara and David Wiener | Anthony Williams | Eileen and James Williston | F. Russell Wolf and Martha Gilpatrick | Susan Workum | Mary Jane Wuensch
Up to $99
Debbie Avery | Harry Bartlett | Suzanne Baum | Robert Bicknell | Bisby Charitable Fund | Howard and Lynn Bloom | Martha Brill | Nancy Brown and George Koslosky | Natalie Brown | Beverley Bryant | Charlene Burstad | Jessie Cahill | Nick Castellano | Megan and John Connor | Lawrence Copley | Claiborne Dawes | Todd De Binder | Jacki Dibble | Eugene Doherty | Patricia and Jeffrey Doherty | Robert Ferstenberg and Amal Moamar | Anne Forbes | Becky and Greg Gettel | Mary Jane Hall | Linda Hoffman | Mary Iandoli | Wayne and Virginia Johnson | Julia Khorana | Paul Kirshen and Bettina Burbank | Stephanie and Russell Kramp | Marianne Lazarus | Leslie Lowe | Richard Mandel | Margaret Marsh | John McWalter | Bonnie and Gabor Miskolczy | Jeff Mitchell | Henry Park | Kathleen Pickett | Nancy Powell-Daley | Vinay Prabhakar | Hinako Regier | Liz and Fred Robbins | Rebecca and Michael Robichaud | Paul Rogoshewski | Kathleen Rose | Grace and Frederick Ryan | Tom Sadtler and Jane Wells | Jan Schmiege Ferguson | Brenda Sloane | Laurie Stefanov and John Inman | Elizabeth Stubbs | Barbara and Robert Sutherland | Vivien and William Tao | James and Cindy Tenner | Monique Thompson | Zachary Trznadel | Matthew Tufts | Lynn Uhrich Smith | Emily Von Weise | Kathleen Walton | Kathy and David Warren | Robert and Carole Wayland | Cathi Webster | William and Sally Williams | Lara Wilson | Xerox Corp. | David and Miriam Zarchan | Celine Zhu
In Honor of/ In Memory of
In honor of Gail Burr | In Memory of Patricia and Elizabeth De Binder | In honor of Liz Gross | In honor of Sing Hanson | In honor of Nancy Lippe | In honor of Ellen McHale | In honor of The Umbrella Artists | In honor of Marian Sutherland
We make every effort to be as accurate and complete as possible in compiling our lists. To notify us of an error, please contact the Development office at 978.371.0820 x212 and accept our sincere apologies.
Adelita | Aloft/Element Hotels - Lexington | Bloom Floral Studio | Concord’s Colonial Inn | Concord Market/Millbrook Tarry | Concord Printing | Concord Visitor Center | Crosby’s Marketplace | Discover Concord | First Rugs | J. McLaughlin | Living Concord | Lucy Lacoste Gallery | Mahoney’s Garden Center | Nosh Concord | Pitch Black Editions | Ryan Malyar | Sara Campbell | The Concord Cheese Shop | Waterman Design | West Concord Wine and Spirits | Woods Hill Table