volunteer spotlight

Spotlight on Volunteer Photographer Mark MacKenzie

Mark MacKenzie of Capturing Wisdom Photography has been a volunteer photographer at The Umbrella for a number of years, capturing stunning photos of Umbrella events and most recently, the excitement of summer camp. Recently, we were able to chat with Mark about how he got involved with photography, The Umbrella, and what he hopes to brings to life through his lens.




Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

Take 5 with Intern Jenna Lozano

As part of our "Month of Thanks" series, The Umbrella was pleased to “Take 5” with Jenna Lozano, a college intern working with our Marketing Team while wrapping up her degree at the School of the MFA at Tufts University. Jenna is contributing her design, social media and accessibility skills to The Umbrella this semester.

Tell us about your background and interests for your studies and thesis at Tufts.

Volunteer Spotlight: Cooper Philips

By Josey Murray

Cooper is modest man who couldn’t imagine why volunteer coordinator, Kathy Warren, would want a profile done on him. Kathy Warren recruited Cooper over two and a half years ago when he was looking for something to get involved in after retiring. Cooper spent the last ten years of his career “overseeing the installation of fiber optic networks at air force bases,” which necessitated lots of traveling. 

Volunteer Spotlight: Dan Kemp

By Josey Murray

Dan Kemp is a naturalist, writer, documentary filmmaker, photographer, and lifelong learner. His volunteer work at Umbrella Arts Center gives us only a glimpse into his varied talents and
passions. The Arts & Environment Program has allowed him to use his skills as a writer, explore a new interest in documentary filmmaking, and engage in an enduring interest in the natural

Volunteer Spotlight: Jordan Waterworth

Article by Diana Kennedy


“Follow the action” seems to be the unofficial mantra that Jordan Waterworth has adopted in his approach to filmmaking and in life. His combination of ambition and curiosity have led him to both his undergraduate studies at Suffolk University as well as his position as vital member of The Umbrella’s volunteer staff, taking on a multitude of roles in video projects in multiple platforms.


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