Spotlight on Volunteer Photographer Mark MacKenzie

September 5, 2024 by Kelby

Mark MacKenzie of Capturing Wisdom Photography has been a volunteer photographer at The Umbrella for a number of years, capturing stunning photos of Umbrella events and most recently, the excitement of summer camp. Recently, we were able to chat with Mark about how he got involved with photography, The Umbrella, and what he hopes to brings to life through his lens.




Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

MM: Manchester NH has been my home for almost 50 years having moved from Everett Ma to take a job on the Manchester NH Fire Department where I worked for more than twenty-seven years. In addition, I served as the President of the NH AFL-CIO and am currently a member of the New Hampshire Legislature. My work also involved serving on several nonprofit boards and legislative committees

How did you first get into photography? 

MM: My interest in photography began at the fire department where I served for a period as a fire investigator taking photographs and processing them in our darkroom to aid in determining the cause of the fire. I went on to do wedding and event photography but as my family grew so did the responsibilities and photography took a backseat. A few years ago, I jumped back in and started Capturing Wisdom Photography, a business focused on preserving the memories of the family's older generations doing what they most enjoy.

What drives you to do volunteer photography, especially photographing the summer camp sessions? 

MM: For many years I served on boards and commissions spending hours in board rooms and legislative meetings and was looking for ways to help nonprofits and contribute without having to be in actual meetings. Photography was the answer for me. Volunteer photography allows me to search for things that interest me and contribute to the organization's mission by producing high-quality images of their work for distribution in publications and various social media platforms. In the case of the Umbrella Art Center, working with them has been an amazing experience.Truth be told I love anything to do with the arts and have been singing in chorus and choir groups since a young age and had the opportunity to appear in several community theater productions. Watching people of all ages using their hands, voices, and imagination to create art of all kinds is a magical experience. And let's not forget the wonderful smiles you capture while visiting.

Is there any advice you would give to anyone who is starting to get into volunteering/photography?

MM: Volunteer photography can be a personally fulfilling experience and a great help to organizations that need and appreciate your work. It will help you on your journey to be a better photographer and allow you to experiment in real-time. Photography is an art form, and the Umbrella Art Center gives you the chance to be surrounded by a building full of artists of all ages who are creating art just like you. Thumbs up to the Umbrella Art Center and thank you for letting me be part of this wonderful community.

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