
Your guide to Artfest events, activities and resources for youth audiences.
Artfest Kidstrack offers outdoors activities for families, to be enjoyed both in-person and at home. Earth float-making workshops, Earth Day Art Walk sidewalk chalking, outdoors Open Studios artist demos on The Umbrella lawn, free arts activity sheets for our Arts Education teachers, and public art scavenger hunts in townwide greenspaces are some of the fun, socially distanced activities for your "pod".
Kid Events
April 24 - Earth Day @ The Umbrella!
- Earth Float Workshops and Voices on the Air @ 40 Stow Street Lawn (in-person, registration required)
- Earth Float Launch (Optional) @ Concord River - Launch your own home-made float!
April 25 - “Wish for Change” Sidewalk Chalking with Nayda Cuevas @ Chamberlin Park
April 25-May 31 - Change is in the Air: Art Walk outdoor art installation around Concord; kids coloring activity sheet and self-guded audio tour map
May 1-2, 8-9 - Open Studios Outdoors @ 40 Stow Street Lawn
- Umbrella Studio Artist and Ceramics Studio Demos
- Kidstrack - Summer Camp Info Table and Free Activities
- ONE Revolution: Drawing Challenge at Minute Man National Historical Park
May 15-16 - Community Kite Flying event, with free Kite Kits and activities in our App!
Find more activities for families in our free Artfest App for iPhone/iPad or Android!