Artists Create Change Together
The Umbrella Arts Center social action banner painting project brings local artists together one day a month to paint large banners for nonprofit and community organizations. Through color and images, these beautiful, mural-like banners capture the essence of both the organization and the message. These banners can be used at special events and/or for specific projects/activities to increase visibility of an organization’s mission and to raise awareness of important issues impacting our communities.
As hand-painted, custom murals, these beautiful banners have the capacity to tell an organization's textured story. While we will serve 10-15 organizations annually, these banners -- works of art -- are seen by their constituencies for years to come. The artists work closely with clients to brainstorm colors, fonts, and imagery. A lead artist brings rough designs to a painting session, where all the artists can contribute their ideas. Clients are invited to join the painting sessions. The artists, "Artists Create Change Together," (ACCT) see these sessions as an expression of their civic voice.
Contact us if you want to join the ACCT team, or if you would like us to paint a banner for your organization!