SPRING ADULTS: Painting Intensive Workshop (various dates)
Course Descriptions:
Acrylic Painting Intensive Sessions:
We will practice with a limited palette using three primary colors, making secondary and tertiary colors. In addition, we will also make preliminary drawings on our canvas to map out shapes and characters, and work on underpainting to build up visual stimuli and resonance. In our brief exploration you will be able to create a pallete of colors, begin 3 paintings and maybe complete an idea. The instructor will provide the images to work from. All are welcome, previous drawing and painting experience is helpful. Bring a snack and drink.
Acrylic Supply List:
3 Canvas - 1 Sq. 8x8 or 10x10, 1 11x14 rectangle, 1 9x12.
Red Blue, yellow black and white acrylic paint. Brushes a variety of flat, round, very sm. [pointy] and a wide 2-" Cup for water Lg plate or palette paper pencil eraser Optional a ruler, masking tape.
Saturday, April 12, 12:00pm - 5:00pm REGISTER
Saturday, May 31, 12:00 - 5:00pm REGISTER
Oil Painting Intensive Sessions:
Begin oil painting in this intensive workshop, we will create a landscape, an abstract and a still life. The instructor will present a step by step for the landscape. A brief talk on color mixing, mapping a subject with a sketch. Due to the time limit, the paintings will be brought home "wet." All levels welcome. Drawing and painting experience is helpful! Bring a snack and a drink.
Oil Supply List:
—5 small tubes of oil: Cerulean Blue, Alizarin Crimson, Black, White, and Cad Free Lemon Yellow or Yellow Light
—Gamsol, odorless paint thinner and cleaner
—Brushes just for oil; minimum of 3-4 (1" flat, 3/4" inch flat, 14" round, small pointed)
—3 canvas or wood panels
—paper towels and plastic bag to dispose of oil stained paper towels
—large plate or palette paper
—small glass jar with lid
Saturday, May 3, 12:00pm - 5:00pm REGISTER
Saturday, June 21, 12:00 - 5:00pm REGISTER