October Art Talk: #ArtsMatter with MassCreative
Over the past few months, The Umbrella has been working with MASSCreative to spread arts advocacy through Concord and beyond.
For this month's Art Talk we've invited Tracie Konopinski, the Senior Campaign Organizer at MASSCreative, to come to The Umbrella. She'll visit us on Thursday 10/23 at 1:00 to discuss MASSCreative's current project, #ArtsMatter, explained below:
Right now the candidates for governor of Massachusetts and MA House and Senate are discussing how to best strengthen our economy, improve our schools, and make communities healthier and safer. Arts matter in Massachusetts and they should be part of this discussion.
Join us for Arts Matter Day, October 24. On this day of action, hundreds of organizations across the state will reach out to their supporters and networks, inviting them to share their Arts Matter stories. Let's show the candidates that the arts aren't just nice, they're necessary! Arts Matter in Massachusetts and should matter in this election.
We’ll be capturing Arts Matter Day through social media to connect organizations statewide. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.