Stop the budget cuts
September 8, 2017 by Jess

On Monday afternoon, July 17, Governor Charlie Baker vetoed the Legislature's Fiscal Year 2018 budget for the Mass Cultural Council and cut arts funding by 14%.
If lawmakers do not override this veto, the Mass Cultural Council's budget will be cut to $12.1 million from $14 million.
With federal arts spending under attack from the Trump Administration, many states have recognized the need to strengthen their support for the creative sector. Thirty states have chosen to either increase their investment in the arts or maintain current spending levels even in the face of weak revenues. If this veto stands, Massachusetts would bear the third largest percentage cut to the arts in the nation, behind only Rhode Island and North Carolina.
The good news is that the chairs of the Tourism, Arts and Cultural Development Committee, Senator Adam Hinds of Pittsfield and Representative Cory Atkins of Concord are circulating a letter among colleagues to rally around an override of the Governor's arts veto.
We've been here before, and with your support we've convinced the Legislature to override the Governor two years running. Together, let's make it three.
Send an email to your legislators asking them to override the Governor's arts veto here.