EM3050 Activity: Water: An Earth Day Reflection and Refraction



To connect with Water and its physics through video, observation, science, and art.


  1. Watch: Water: An Earth Day Reflection and Refraction. These moving images were all taken along the banks of the Sudbury and Concord Rivers and a tributary. What happens when we slow down and really watch water? We decided to just watch and listen to the water and found the burbles, the movement around rocks and moss, the reflections of trees, waves, clouds and other things were fascinating and soothing. As you watch:
    - What sounds are you hearing?
    - How do you feel by the end of the video? 
    - Trick question:  where in the video do you see a person?  

    Earth Day Reflect and Refraction from The Umbrella on Vimeo.

  2. Water. We are it: 2/3 of our bodies are water. We need it to drink and bath and to stay alive! But it has much more to teach us if we slow down and listen. Try this:
    - On a partially sunny day, pick a spot by water and plan to be still for a bit.  Get comfortable.
    - For 2 minutes, just watch one small area.   
    - What do you notice?  How do you feel?
    - Write your reflections, or make a drawing or song.
    Try this on different weather days, in different locations.  What do you see if you just watch water in your tub or sink?  As it goes down the drain?  Sits in your glass? The possibilities for observation are endless!
  3. Science: Light refraction and Wave Reflection.
    Curious about why everything looks so distorted when we look into water? Notice how even the little waves we see bouncing off a rock in our local rivers and ponds make patterns? What is going on there? Well, at least 2 things.
    - What is reflection? Waves on the move. Try a wave tank experiment at home (hint: you can do this in your bath tub or sink using your hand to make waves)

  4. Water and light both come in waves, and they both get bent!
    - Refraction - light and water travel in straight lines until they are interrupted... by a rock, or a change in the depth of water, or other things. What makes light waves bend? Why does my pencil look bent? Water makes light waves bend! Here is an experiment to figure out the bent pencil. Learn more about light refraction. 
  5. Make a Water Drum: Sound
    Did you notice the drum sounds in the video? They accompany the natural rhythms of flowing water so beautifully. Make your own "Water Drum" and experiment with sound by changin water levels, bowls, and drum mallet materials.
    Click here for instructions.

Share your photos, journal pages, thoughts, experiences, and/or feedback with us! Post on social media with hashtags:
#umbrellaarts #musketaquid #concordearthday #musketaquidearthday #earthday3050
Or email Caroline at caroline@theumbrellaarts.org

Special thanks to our Earth Month sponsors