Jane Goldman: Global Warming Series 2018-2023

Jane Goldman: Global Warming Series 2018-2023
On View April 2 - May 5, 2024
Second Floor Gallery
Opening Reception, Saturday, April 27 - 3-5PM
Global Warming (2018-2023) is an ongoing series of watercolor monotypes on 22” x 30” Arches Hot Press watercolor paper. Dark humor sets the tone, inspired by silent film comedians, especially the great Buster Keaton. In this context the silent comedians represent all of us, experiencing global crises in slow motion. Like them, we watch the planet beset with catastrophe in ever faster motion.
Some pieces in the series personalize the consequences of our behavior. “Patty Melt” (thumbnail, upper left) depicts Keaton, burger in hand, amidst glacial melt, due in part to global beef consumption. Other works, such as “Clean Air Act”, point out the obtuseness of ignoring our present reality. And in some works, such as “Teetering on the Edge”, our Everyman is depicted in a situation right before catastrophe occurs, implying that there’s still time to alter the outcome. -- Jane Goldman, apocoloptimist
About the Artist
Jane Goldman (born Dallas, TX, 1951) received her BA from Smith College and MFA in Graphic Arts from the University of Wisconsin/Madison. Goldman is co-founder and partner of Mixit Print Studio, a professional open rental printmaking studio in in Somerville, Massachusetts.
She is the recipient of grants and fellowships including the Ballinglen Arts Foundation, Ireland; the American Center Residency at the Cite Internationale des Arts, Paris; MacDowell Colony, Yaddo, and the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts.
Goldman designed three public art installations for the Massachusetts Port Authority at Boston's Logan International Airport. The commissions’ theme, a New England aquatic journey, flows over 60,000 square feet of terrazzo floor.
Her work is in the permanent collections of the Peabody Essex Museum, Art Museums of San Francisco, Art Museums of Harvard, the Bibliotheque Nationale de Paris, Brooklyn Museum, Boston Museum of Fine Arts, Cleveland Museum of Art, Detroit Institute of Arts, and the Library of Congress.
Goldman’s art practice addresses the transformative power of light, on all levels. Working with imagery rooted in the natural world, in recent years her focus is climate change. A piece from Eco-anxiety/Global Warming (2018-2023), was included in 2023 in the National Climate Assessment’s first Art x Climate online gallery on their website (globalchange.gov)