Sponsor & Partner Thanks

The Umbrella is grateful to our Gala Committee for their creativity and leadership. Artfest is made possible through their efforts as well as the generous support of our sponsors and partners – thank you!
Gala Committee Chairs
Ellen McHale & Gail Burr
Gala Committee
Suzanne Broxson | Joan Freeman | Liz Gross | Julie Hagan | Mary Ellen Harney | Mary Hull | Lydia Rheinfrank | Debra Rutter | Priscilla White Sturges | Deborah Yamin
Hero Sponsors
Gail and Matt Burr | Liz and Phill Gross | Matthew and Stephanie Magee
Champion Sponsors
Kevin Foley and Leah Flanigan | Joan and John Freeman | Gregory Maguire and Andy Newman | Ellen and Bill McHale | NorthBridge Insurance Agency / Eastern Insurance Group LLC and Arbella Insurance Group
Creator Sponsors
Dinah Buechner-Vischer | Kim and Dennis Burns | First Rugs | Gunilla and Kevin Gorman | Jeff and Sarah Newton | Nancy Traversy and Martin Lueck | Waterman Design
Partner Sponsors
Bank of America Private Bank | Andrea Brox and John McCarthy | Casey Carlson and Bill Stone | Gloria and Charles Clough | Discover Concord | Fritz and Allie Kussin | LandVest Concord Real Estate | Robert and Sarah Le Roy | Mike and Robin Malouf | Kate and Mark Reid | Jennifer and Wilson Schünemann | Gary Vilchick and Elaine Labrecque | Jerry and Carole Wedge | Deborah Yamin
Friend Sponsors
Adelita | Susan and Chris Amorello | Jeff and Ellen Campbell | Jack and Di Clymer | The Darzen Family | Debra's Natural Gourmet | Mark and Abi Fletcher | Cathy and Fritz Folts | Pamela Gannon and Dave Douglas | Andrew and Pat Goldstein | Julie and Cary Hagan | Fawn Hardison and David Mayer | Mary Ellen and Mike Harney | J'aim | Anne and Dee Keesler | Melissa Koester | Karl and Susanne Liebich | Jean and Alan Lightman | Sheilah and Mike McCauley | Chris Mekal and Gilles Quintal | Jo and JP Poole | Rebecca Purcell | Tom and Donna Quirk | James Richardson and Susan Lynch | Wade Rubinstein and Jill Block | Debra Rutter | Patricia Satterthwaite and John Muresianu | Melinda Shumway | Sorrento's Brick Oven Pizzeria | Carolyn and Eric Stein | Charity and Tom Tremblay | Joe Wallace and Liz Chang | Sven and Claudia Weber | Jo Wellins | Patrick and Kim West | Lissa and Carter Winstanley
Premier Corporate Sponsors
Artfest Business Partners
Adelita | Concord's Colonial Inn | Concord Teacakes | Concord Visitor Center | Debra’s Natural Gourmet | Farfalle | Fritz & Gigi | J.McLaughlin | Legends Cafe | Living Concord | Paper Moon Performing Arts | Reasons to be Cheerful | Saltbox Kitchen | Sara Campbell | Sorrento’s Brick Oven Pizzeria | The Cheese Shop | Trail's End Cafe | West Concord Wine and Spirits | Woods Hill Table