Free Basketry Demo Feb 23

February 19, 2019 by Stewart

Lois Anderson - Routes of migration

Saturday February 23, 1:00-3:00PM

Free and Open to the Public 

The public is invited to participate in a basketry demonstration by several artists participating in The Umbrella Community Arts Center's "Migration" Fiber Arts Exhibit​ running through Feb. 28 in Concord. 



Louise Berliner

A writer and fiber artist, Louise works out of one of the Umbrella's studio spaces and will be presenting woven sculptural pieces that explore and embody her matrilinealage.

Jeanne Flanagan | MadWeave Creations​ 

Jeanne has always been making things with her hands. With a mother who taught sewing and owned a marine canvas shop and an engineer father who built their house, barn and other buildings, Jeanne is always finding adventure in exploring both materials and structure. In 2010, Jeanne discovered sculptural weaving and has been almost exclusively working in triaxial mad-weave since then. The weave moves in three directions simultaneously so the corners create 60 degree angles. This means you cannot create a box, but allows the formation of natural shapes.

Kimberley Harding

From her artist statement, "I always want to touch everything. I enjoy the physical sensation of weaving, coiling, twining and plaiting, whether its painted paper strips, rattan, twine, yarn, or other materials. I manifest these tactile qualities in the form of woven vessels. I love the diversity of shapes. Currently I am focusing on the traditional cathead basket form. The basic shape of a cathead is defined, but how the curves undulate is up to me. When I finish a basket, I need to hold it. Vessels are special because of their ability to hold things – precious things, mundane things, sacred things, hopes, beauty, new life."

Lois Russell​ 

Lois Russell has been making baskets since 1988, and her work has evolved as she has explored traditions and techniques. Her work ranges from the traditional baskets to playful sculptural pieces. Her work "Routes of Migration" (pictured top) is featured on the exhibition print materials.


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