Informal Concord Critique
Every second Wednesday we invite artists to bring their artwork into the gallery space for an informal critique from 12-2pm. The critiques, moderated by The Umbrella’s Studio Arts Coordinator Miranda Aisling Hynes, are a safe and supportive way for Concord artists to discuss their current work. Each artist has twenty minutes to present and receive comments on their art. The presenting artist can decide to leave the critique open ended or ask for specific feedback from their fellow artists. At the critiques, we encourage artists to show work that is still in process, part of a developing series, or part of an old series that needs new ideas.
The Informal Concord Critique has met every month since March 2106, bringing a new energy to The Umbrella’s gallery space and to the greater Concord community. As a community arts center dedicated to building a vibrant community through the arts, this new opportunity to discuss locally made artwork in a respectful, supportive atmosphere is central to what we do.
To learn more about the Concord Artist Network or to attend an upcoming Informal Concord Critique, email our Studio Arts Coordinator Miranda Aisling Hynes at or call the office at 978-371-0820. A network is only as strong and active as its members, so we hope you will join us and let us know what you would like to see from your local creative community. We look forward to seeing the Concord Artist Network continue to grow throughout the fall.