One Week Left! End of the Fiscal Year Appeal
June 24, 2021 by Rachel Olson

Dear friends,
The Umbrella Arts Center relies on your support to make art and arts education accessible for our whole community. With just one week left in our fiscal year, will you make a gift today to ensure that The Umbrella comes out of this pandemic stronger than ever?
COVID-19 had a serious impact on the arts and the long-term financial effects will continue to be a hurdle. But we saw the arts bring us together when we most needed to connect, and learned firsthand the crucial and positive role that art plays in our lives during challenging times.
No one expresses this impact better than Amy Ray of the Indigo Girls.
The Indigo Girls at The Umbrella from The Umbrella on Vimeo.
We are thrilled to be throwing our doors wide open again, and relaunching our live concert series with the Indigo Girls on October 15. (Donors to this Season will receive advance notice on sale dates for tickets!)
We can’t wait to see The Umbrella Arts Center filled with audiences, artists, and students once again…imagining, creating, and sharing the arts together.
Everything we do is possible because of you, and we are so grateful for your support.