Families-Decorated Picnic Tables Brighten Town

September 24, 2020 by Rachel Olson

On Saturday, August 15, several Concord families gathered in shifts at The Umbrella Arts Center to paint scenes of “favorite Concord COVID-19 activities or destinations”. Maintaining social distancing, family groups worked with the guidance of local artists from Village Art Room and The Umbrella.

In the final step of this joint project by The Town of Concord Tourism and Visitor Services, Village Art Room, and The Umbrella Arts & Environment program, the table covers have now been installed on a half-dozen tables townwide to brighten up seasonal outdoor dining and picnic areas.

Canvases were designed by Cathy Karp and Margot Kimball of the Village Art Room and painted by the Taylor, Zhang, Akehurst-Moore, Tang, Hultgren, Murphy, Saia, Provost, Marqu, Donovan, and Hobson families, with the guidance of volunteers Lainey Volz and Clair Partridge. They can be found in locations that include Trail's End, the Concord Visitor Center, Hunt Gym, and at the Old North Bridge parking lot in Minute Man National Historical Park.

The finished images are also on display in The Umbrella's end-of-summer #DiscoverYourArts Showcase exhibition.

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