Concord, MA Celebrates First Ever PrideFest

June 17, 2024 by Kelby

Concord, Massachusetts is thrilled to hold its first-ever Pridefest this coming weekend June 21 through June 23, 2024 - and The Umbrella is proud to participate with a series of family friendly events!

The festivities open on Friday night with a presentation about Interpreting the Queer Past by Dr. Matthew Champagne at the Concord Museum.

Saturday kicks off at 10:30am with a rally and flag presentation in Monument Square, followed by a festive march down Main Street lined with Pride Progress flags. 

The morning’s festivities will be led by Concord's native daughter, Samanatha deSuze, a well known improvisational actor, voice artist, and established event host.

The afternoon will be dedicated to a family friendly festival of activities, including music, food, trucks, lawn games, art projects, and times for socializing and celebration throughout the downtown.

Stop by The Umbrella for a Pride-themed Free Family Day from 12-3pm! Weather permitting, The Umbrella’s front lawn will be dedicated to a variety of family friendly ways to engage with the festivities. Design your own Pride flag, make friendship bracelets, paint or color in your own rainbow, help design a mural, or celebrate Pride by decorating our walkway in chalk.

Around 3pm, the “Pride Train” will take folks over to West Concord to continue the celebration, culminating at Pride in the Park, a picnic and musical performance from 4-7pm.

View the full calendar and map for Pridefest 2024 HERE!

“Our first-ever Pridefest was organized by the Town of Concord with the help of many local organizations and we are super excited that Concord Pride shows the town’s explicit commitment to affirming the lived experiences and celebrations related to the LGBTQIA+ community that take place during the month of June.”

- Rob Munro, a member of the town’s  DEI Commission and a leader of the ConcordPride planning committee

For more information, please visit or contact the DEI Commission at 

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