Article: Reimagined Space Helps Build a Regional Center for Ceramic Arts
February 12, 2019 by Stewart

Writer Christine Diaz went behind the scenes of The Umbrella's new state of the art Ceramics Studios and classrooms in a wonderful new feature article, Reimagined Space Helps Build a Regional Center for Ceramic Arts.
Also the parent of a former Ceramics student, Diaz brings an informed perspective to describing the impacts of The Umbrella's major renovation project, which began in November 2017. She had a chance to preview the space at this year's Winter Market, and discussed the changes in-depth with ceramics program manager, Mike Roche, who recounted the planning processes as The Umbrella embraced the opportunity to reimagine and re-outfit the space for ideal function, flow and safety.
With youth classes, adult instruction, and independent artist scheduling, the Ceramics Program was the first of The Umbrella's Arts Education Programs to move back into the former Emerson School building at 40 Stow Street.
Read the complete, illustrated article here.