First Thursday Community Event: Empty Bowls
Empty Bowls allows participating artists to create and donate bowls, then serve a simple meal. Guests choose a bowl to use that day and to keep as a reminder of all the empty bowls in the world. In exchange for the meal, and the bowl, guests contribute a suggested minimum donation. The proceeds are devoted to local hunger-fighting organizations, such as food banks or soup kitchens, or to charitable groups. The Umbrella donated to Open Table Concord.
Through The Empty Bowls Project we hope to raise as much money as possible to feed the world's hungry people, increase awareness of hunger and related issues through education, and action. Concerned individuals can change human attitudes that allow hunger to exist by finding new solutions to old problems.
Empty Bowls is sponsored in part by Nashoba Brook Bakery, Main Street Cafe, Sally Ann's Food Shop, Crosby's Market and Verrill Farms.