
June 16 – August 14, 2017
Opening Reception: June 22 from 6:00-8:00 pm
Lois Andersen, paintings
Sing Hanson, photographs
Lonnie Harvey, monoprints
Max Payne, mixed media
Over the past year, the four exhibiting artists have considered the effect of stillness, especially in a time increasingly filled with activity that seems to have little meaning.
As artists, their goal is to transport, engage, and include you in their acts of creation whether it is the play of light through trees on water, the sacred nature of artifacts from the earth, the dark beauty of vast fjords and oceans or a riverbed holding the stones and treasures of their lives. They hope to create an atmo-sphere where each visitor can begin to enter into the stillness that they themselves have come to know as the finest gift.
Max Payne’s lyrical mix of many mediums engage your imagination, while Lonnie Harvey’s monoprints trigger memories of places and times where being still opened the door to unexpected discovery and beauty.
Sing Hanson’s images, full of texture and nuanced color, speak about particular places where you can imagine spending a moment of exquisite contemp-lation, while Lois Andersen’s paintings reach out to vast places of awe inspiring beauty that evoke a sense of the power of creation and the stillness at the heart of that power.